Strategic Collaboration for Bridging Wellness Gaps in Indigenous Communities: Maximus Rose's ROI Achievement

Partnerships and Innovation


First Nation Band in Northern Ontario

Executive Summary

Through strategic collaboration and carrier switching, Maximus Rose facilitated savings of $110,000 for a First Nation Band in Northern Ontario. These funds were allocated towards implementing our Indigenous Workplace Wellness (IWW) FlexPlan for its employees, with the remaining amount reinvested into supporting the Band's community initiatives. This demonstrates Maximus Rose's dedication to enhancing employee benefits and contributing to community development.


The First Nation Band encountered difficulties in optimizing its employee benefits program to align with the unique health and wellness needs of its members. Limited resources and budget constraints hindered the implementation of comprehensive benefits solutions that reflected the Band's cultural values and community priorities.


Maximus Rose partnered with the First Nation Band to effectively address these challenges. Leveraging expertise in employee benefits program management and carrier negotiation, Maximus Rose facilitated a carrier switch resulting in significant cost savings of $110,000. These savings were redirected to establish an IWW FlexPlan, providing tailored Indigenous health and wellness benefits for Band employees. Additionally, Maximus Rose collaborated closely with the Band to reinvest remaining savings into supporting community initiatives, ensuring alignment with cultural values and a community-centric approach.


The collaboration between Maximus Rose and the First Nation Band delivered substantial benefits for employees and the broader community. The IWW FlexPlan implementation offered employees culturally relevant health and wellness benefits, boosting overall well-being and satisfaction. Furthermore, reinvesting savings into community initiatives demonstrated Maximus Rose's commitment to community development and cultural alignment.

Client Testimonial